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Ms. Katie welcomes her baby girl!

Congratulations! What is baby Cullen's name and birth date?

Thank you! Our daughter’s name is Cleo Rose Cullen and she was born on March 25, 2021 at 5:55am

Will you share a little bit about the day baby Cullen was born?

I needed to be induced so our preparation, journey and arrival to the hospital was very quiet and calm. After being induced, I experienced the quickest yet longest 8 hours of my life. I chose to have a natural delivery and I am thankful that everything went well, but it was definitely one of the most challenging experiences of my life, while also being the most rewarding. Cleo came into this world showing off her lungs and I’m not sure that she’s done showing off quite yet!

Is motherhood like you expected? Not exactly. I don’t know that anyone could have prepared me for the first few weeks of motherhood (the love, the joy, the worry, the emotions, the exhaustion!). We are all slowly adjusting and getting to know one another better with each day. I’m excited for all that is to come.

What is your favorite thing about being a new mommy?

Having the opportunity to grow as a family, watching my husband become a father, and soaking in every moment, every feature, and every milestone with her because I know these moments are fleeting.

Have you done anything fun as a new family of 3 lately?

Going for a walk down Washington and stopping for an impromptu outdoor drink (albeit virgin for me) was literally and figuratively a breath of fresh air. That’s as adventurous as we have gotten so far.

Is there anything you miss before baby?

Sleep. Definitely sleep. Also the mindless ability to do and go anywhere I want without having to worry about baby schedules.

Are you binge watching or reaching anything good while on Maternity Leave?

Unfortunately there just isn’t the time. What I read nowadays all pertains to parenting advice. I did however start binging Good Girls on Netflix during the days leading up to delivery - I would highly recommend!

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