afterschool enrichment classes
Spring 2024
Hoboken Montessori School’s Enrichment Programs offer our students an in-depth exploration of a chosen subject in a fun, after-school setting.
When: First class begins Monday, April 8, 2024
Where:1485 Bloomfield Street- Hudson Tea Building
Time: 7 classes 3:15 pm - 4:00 pm
Cost: $250 per class + one-time $25 registration fee per child
Please see class descriptions and age eligibility below. Classes are open to HMS Students only.
Registration opens Monday, March 25th at 7:00 PM
The Registration Link will be emailed to you
Registration is granted on first-come/first-serve basis
Please note, classes fill up quickly!

Monday: The MAD Side of Science (Eligibility: 3 by April 1st) - Cost: $250
Join Mad Science & Crayola Imagine Arts Academy to become a detective, an engineer, a chemist, a film maker and more! Take apart the earth as you explore volcanoes, or become a toy maker as you explore the science of toys! Every week our MAD scientists will explore a new and exciting topic and create something to take home! Let’s get Mad and Silly with MAD SCIENCE!
Tuesday: Art (Eligibility: 3 by April 1st) - Cost: $250
PLAYDAY offers a variety of art activities led by your child’s imagination and guided by their knowledgeable, friendly, supportive staff. Each class is designed to expose children to their creativity while supporting cognitive development, self-confidence, and problem-solving. Art activities range from color explosion, watercolor world, sculpture, drawing, architectural design, and more! Come "play" with us again, at HMS!​
Wednesday: Gymnastics (Eligibility: 3 by April 1st) - Cost: $250
Head to Toe will offer a multifaceted introduction to gymnastics and all around physical fitness. Each class includes stretching exercises, aerobics to music, gymnastic skills, games, and more! The games and equipment help develop hand/foot eye coordination, as well as enhance and maintain gross motor skills. Students will have while they gain strength, flexibility and confidence!
Thursday: Broadway Stars (Eligibility: 3 by April 1st) - Cost: $250
Hoboken Children's Theater will be exploring basic music principles and vocabulary (tempo, rest, notes) while utilizing singing voices and learning different songs. Students will also work on musical dance numbers by learning choreography and basic dance moves. Students will combine their singing and dancing with the musical numbers they will learn during this creative and fun-filled program of song and dance. This class is a perfect introduction to theater and the performing arts! Your child will play, sing, and improvise – a great way to encourage creativity, confidence, and critical thinking. **Note: If your child previously participated in this class the material will be new for this session!